Google Testing Triple Featured Snippets: A Game-Changer for Search Results

Google is constantly experimenting with its search results page, and the latest test involves a significant change to featured snippets. Traditionally, featured snippets display a single website, but Google is now testing a triple-featured snippet format. This experiment builds upon the SGE beta and showcases multiple websites within the same snippet, offering users a broader range of perspectives and information.

The Evolution of Featured Snippets: Google’s experimentation with featured snippets have been ongoing, with various formats being tested. Previously, Google introduced a format called ‘perspectives’, which displayed a similar multi-website snippet structure. However, it is important to note that the recently announced carousel feature, designed to showcase content lower on the SERP, differs from the triple-featured snippet test.

Understanding the Triple Featured Snippet Test: Unlike the previous ‘double featured snippets’ format, where two snippets were stacked vertically, the triple featured snippet test presents up to three websites horizontally. This layout provides users with a more comprehensive overview and diverse perspectives on a particular query.

Variations in the Test: In addition to the triple-featured snippet format, there are reports of a double-featured snippet variation that appears less visually striking than the triple variant. If this test aligns with the earlier mobile ‘perspectives’ test, a quadruple variation could also exist, further expanding the diversity of information presented.

Implications and Future Potential: The introduction of triple-featured snippets can revolutionize search results by offering users a broader selection of perspectives in a concise format. It allows multiple websites to gain exposure and for searchers to explore different viewpoints on a topic within a single snippet. From an SEO perspective, this test emphasizes optimizing content to increase the chances of being featured in these coveted spots.

Conclusion: Google’s latest test of triple-featured snippets demonstrates the search engine’s commitment to continuously improving and refining search result formats. By presenting multiple websites within a single snippet, Google aims to enhance user experience and provide a more comprehensive range of information. As this experiment unfolds, it will be interesting to observe its impact on search behaviour, SEO strategies, and the overall landscape of featured snippets.

You can read the full article from here.