10 Time-Saving Features of the SEO Pro Extension

Are you looking to save time on your daily SEO tasks? The SEO Pro extension can help you do just that. It’s a free tool that offers several useful features to optimize your website’s search engine. Let’s explore some of its benefits.

Export Page Copy with a Single Click

The SEO Pro extension lets you quickly see important information about your web pages. You can view the title tag, meta description, canonical URL, and meta robots settings in just a few seconds. It also provides insights into core web vitals, which measure your site’s performance, such as the largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.

Check Core Web Vitals Metrics Instantly

Exporting page copy is made easy with a single click. This feature allows you to save the content of your web pages for further analysis or documentation purposes.

Easily Identify Indexing or Canonicalization Issues

The extension helps you identify any indexing or canonicalization issues. It alerts you when a page has a meta-robots tag set to ‘noindex’ or if the canonical tag points to a different page. These hints enable you to address and resolve potential problems quickly.

Analyze Heading Hierarchy for Better Organization

Examining the heading hierarchy of your web pages becomes effortless. The SEO Pro extension lets you analyze the structure of headings, which is crucial for organizing your content and improving the user experience.

View Status Codes and Redirect Chains at a Glance

Stay on your website’s health by checking status codes and redirect chains. By glancing at the extension, you can instantly see your pages’ HTTP status codes and redirect paths. It helps you identify any issues impacting your SEO or user experience.

Understand Your Page’s Linking Structure

Understanding your page’s linking structure is important for SEO. The extension provides the number of links on a page, their types, and anchor text. You can even export this information for further analysis.

Highlight Nofollow Links for Link Equity Analysis

Identifying nofollow links is a breeze with the SEO Pro extension. It highlights these links on any webpage, allowing you to understand how link equity flows within your site.

Spot Missing Image Alt Tags for Accessibility and SEO

Don’t overlook the importance of image alt tags. The Images tab of the SEO Pro extension helps you spot missing alt tags easily. Alt tags are vital for accessibility and also contribute to SEO. You can even export all the images on a page and their dimensions for in-depth analysis.

Check Schema Markup Effortlessly

Finally, the extension simplifies checking schema markup. Instead of waiting for minutes using a separate tool, the SEO Pro extension quickly shows you different types of schema markup, saving you valuable time.

Save Time on Daily SEO Tasks with the Free SEO Pro Extension

In conclusion, the SEO Pro extension is a valuable tool that can save you hours on your daily SEO tasks. It provides a wealth of information at a glance, helps you identify and resolve issues, and enhances your website’s optimization. Install the SEO Pro extension today and use its free features to improve your website’s SEO.