SEO Audit

Get my SEO Auditing Services to quickly and efficiently analyze your website’s technical, on-page, and off-page SEO.

Why choose SEO auditing services?

Regular SEO audits for your website show how well your site is doing and help you make a good SEO plan. Auditing your site is very important because search engine algorithms and Google Search Essentials change often.

Does my website need an SEO audit?

I recommend doing an annual audit. It’s also helpful to check analytics and keyword rankings regularly. Here are signs that your website may need SEO auditing: low traffic, high bounce rate, losing traffic, slow loading, outdated or underachieving content, broken links, and more.

My SEO auditing process:

Consultation: I check your specific needs. Then, I decide on the best technical SEO for your site.

Access: I find and ask for permission to use certain tools like Google Search Console or Google Analytics.

Audit: I perform a comprehensive audit, assessing 120 individual items for every site.

Report: I compile all information into a final report. I prioritize solutions based on their impact on your website’s ranking ability.

Discussion: I discuss the findings with you and determine the best strategy for implementation.

Tracking: I continue to track and assess the page to ensure our tactics yield results.

Services offered in SEO auditing:

Technical SEO auditing services: Make every page on your website better for organic search.

Keyword research services: Find keyword opportunities. Improve on-page optimization. Align content with SEO goals.

On-page SEO services: Optimize website pages to improve rankings and user experience.

Common issues reviewed in an SEO audit: The important factors to consider for a website are its structure, internal links, technical errors, targeting keywords, being indexed by search engines, implementing analytics, page speed and load time, crawlability and accessibility, site security, broken links, drops in rankings, mobile friendliness, issues with duplicate content, the risk of being penalized, and the need for cleanup.

By addressing these issues, you will be closer to getting more traffic for your website. My SEO audits identify problems and provide a roadmap for better search rankings.