Mastering Bing Search Trends: Finding the Perfect Keywords for Targeting

Bing search trends are now bloggers’ and news writers’ most popular trending keywords. Recently, I faced many problems regarding Google indexing and search query ranking. Most keywords remain unnatural because they have numerous factors for top search queries. Competition has become very high.

How can one find Bing trending search queries?

If you go to Bing search, there isn’t much information available. First, I asked Bing Chat, “Could you guide me in locating Bing search trends?” Bing Chat suggested I go to Webmaster Tools and find keyword research tools from the SEO menu. It also gave me some helpful tips.

bing keyword research tool

Bing Webmaster Keyword Research Tools

Trust me; I was confused about how to find trending keywords. The first 10 minutes were a total waste for me. Now, let’s get to the main point. I searched for “Bing Search Trends,” and Microsoft Keyword Research Tools provided me with some keywords, graphs, and impressions.

These keywords cleared up my confusion. There isn’t much data available, but you can select the keywords with the most impressions for your article and target them for blogging. There are only general related queries. The question keywords and newly added keywords were utterly blank. At least I’m happy that I found something. Now I can write my content.

bing related keyword suggestions

First, I downloaded all the keyword suggestions as a CSV file. I filtered the Impression tab to sort from largest to smallest. Here it is:

  • Popular now on Bing
  • Bing news
  • Bing images
  • Featured on Bing
  • Bing News top stories today
  • Bing News top stories
  • Bing images trending
  • Trending on Bing
  • Keyword research
  • Bing keyword research tool

You’ll learn that Bing search hasn’t increased significantly if you check these keywords. They lack users. After Bing Chat’s investment, they try to catch up with Google search. On the other hand, Google has a vast amount of search query data and competition. There is very little room for new content writers.

If you target trending Bing search keywords, as a content writer, the search volume will never convince you to continue with Bing search. If you analyze their impressions, it will disappoint you. For 5,000 impressions, you will receive 500-1,000 visitors if you remain in the number one position for those queries.

You can select the country, language, devices, and timeframes in Bing Keyword Research Tools. Below, you will find the top 10 URL rankings for these keywords.

In conclusion, you can avoid Bing search if you need many visitors. Bing search trends are growing daily, but you must work on them and publish content regularly. Of course, Bing Webmaster Keyword Research Tools provide less data, but within 1-2 years, it will grow faster than expected. I am tired of using Google Search and very upset with their ranking algorithm. They make regular updates and cause us stress.

2 thoughts on “Mastering Bing Search Trends: Finding the Perfect Keywords for Targeting

  1. loved reading your post.
    This is what I love in your post
    Great post! I’ve been experiencing some difficulties with Google indexing and search ranking, and your experience with Bing search trends was very informative. I didn’t know about the Bing Webmaster Keyword Research Tools before. You mentioned that Bing search hasn’t increased significantly, but do you think that targeting the top trending keywords on Bing can still be beneficial for content writers in terms of generating traffic?

    • Yes, targeting Bing search will benefit us. We need to identify better search queries regularly. Additionally, Bing is assisting us in getting our Bing Pub news approved. They are also backing monetization.

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